Karen Hilts has been helping solo business owners and entrepreneurs succeed online since 2000. She provides Web Development and Online Marketing Services around the globe. She works internationally with some amazing solo and small business owners and organizations.
This web-savvy gal’s goal is to help you get in front of new audiences, increase your visibility, grow your authority, so you can generate profits. She builds your foundation to find you more leads for you to turn into customers or clients.
As an Online Business Manager, Karen has been helping small business owners succeed online since 2000 providing Web Development, Online Marketing Services, Email Marketing, Course Development, Member Websites, Ecommerce websites, Lead Generation and other online tech assistance.
Karen also has background experience in Webinar, Live Workshop, Online/Live Training and Conference Event Coordination in addition to being a certified Social Service worker, Life, and Business Coach, and a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner (Trained under Joe Vitale from the movie “The Secret”).
She has complimentary backgrounds in ACE (Advanced Clearing Energetics), NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and EFT (emotional freedom techniques) which have enhanced her skills in helping other business owners succeed.
In 2017, Karen received a Best of the Best award in the Hamilton Spectator Reader’s Choice Awards (out of 90+ nominees).
Start playing bigger and create the life and lifestyle you want!A

Her Personal Story
In 2006, Karen took a leap of faith to give up her “day job” and go full time into Website Development. Back then, her kids were all in school and her oldest child had just been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, OCD and then later diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. With the demand on her time for doctor appointments and school activities, she knew she needed flexibility, which spurred the decision to go full-time solo entrepreneur. Her skills in web design allowed her to pursue her passion full time from her home office and be a successful work-from-home parent.
Her dedication, caring and nurturing attitude carries over into her desire to offer the best quality of service to her clients. She avidly pursues ways to develop professionally and personally through various expert training and certifications which have enhanced her online business management, coaching and inbound marketing skills.
Thankfully her children are grown into young (somewhat independent) adults, allowing her to open up her time to coaching and training clients and groups in online courses in addition to her designing, developing and managing offerings.
Entrepreneurship is in her blood, coming from an immigrant family who started a greenhouse operation in the 1950’s soon after World War 2, which is now operated by 3rd generation family (her brothers). Growing up in the family business, Karen became a strong supporter of buying and selling local.
Karen is happily married and a mom to 3 adult children. She enjoys summers glamping at her cottage on wheels with her husband in the wine country of Niagara Region, spending time with her adult kids, family dinners and dinner parties with friends, campfires, cruising and car shows.