What an Award-Winning Online Website and Business Manager can do for you and your business…

If you’re a Trainer, Coach, Practitioner or Want to share your expetise – this is for You!

Your website is more than a business tool. It’s also more than a communication tool with your ideal clients. It’s a part of your overall vision and desire of having the life and business you always wanted.  That’s why it’s important to work with an online business manager (OBM) and not just a web designer.  Besides being an expert in WordPress CMS which powers over 30%+ of the world’s websites, Karen’s bigger goal is to know where you are and where you want to go, (the big picture) then create a website presence that supports your adventurous journey towards building your legacy.

So You Have a WordPress Website.
Now What?

Ok – Field of Dreams moment – Build it and they will come!

BZZZZZZZZZZZ wrong!  If your website isn’t performing and you’re not getting lots of clients  it’s because you’re sitting on the sidelines. 

That’s where you and I get together and begin having some REAL fun and skin into the game! 

Here’s how we’ll being working together to build your field of dreams… (aka your vision for the future!)

Every day, I get to bring out the brighter side of humanity by shining people’s extraordinary expertise and existence with the world. A person once told me “Ahhhh, so you’re the one that makes “people” look good”.  To that I simply say, “I just help others see the greatness that already exists in you.”
~Karen Hilts~

To my clients, friends, and family for voting in the 2017 Hamilton Spec Readers Choice Awards placing 4th in the TOP TEN winners in the Web Designer category. With over 90 nominees, it is an honour to be among such great talent!

~Karen Hilts